Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One Year Car-Free anniversary?

My one year anniversary  of being Car-free is in two weeks! I hope you will join me in the celebrations!

First I will be doing a profile of me and talking about what it was, and is, like being car-free and if I learned anything from the experience.

Second, will I be buying a car? Lastly, my thoughts on the future.

Stay tuned, oh, and tell your friends.

Peace, Bill (car-free American)

11,000 visitors!!!

Thanks to everyone that visited this blog! We have now officially had over 11,000 visitors and we've only been up and running since April 2009, that's only 1 year and 2 months!

11,000 visitors!!!

Thanks to everyone that visited this blog! We have now officially had over 11,000 visitors and we've only been up and running since April 2009, that's only 1 year and 2 months!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mercedes-Benz SLK300 Wallpapers

Mercedes-Benz SLK300
Mercedes-Benz SLK300 Photo
Mercedes-Benz SLK300 Wallpaper
Mercedes-Benz SLK300 Picture
Mercedes-Benz SLK300 images
Mercedes-Benz SLK300 Test Drive

Mercedes-Benz E-Class Wallpapers

2008 Mercedes-Benz E-Class with Black Color
Mercedes-Benz E-Class Test Drive
2008 Mercedes-Benz E-Class with White Color
Mercedes-Benz E-Class Picture

Julie VanMater of Columbia, Missouri. Car-lite profile

Tell me a little bit about you (name, age, occupation, carfree or carlite, where you live).

"Julie VanMater, 25. Graphic designer at a small advertising firm in Columbia, MO. Carlite."

When did you start using a bicycle for transportation and what effect has it had on your life?

"About two years ago. My advertising firm had been working on a city-wide federal grant to promote non-motorized transportation, and after designing the umpteenth brochure or poster that talked about its benefits, I decided it was time to walk the talk. I needed a new apartment at the time, so I found one that was close to my office and downtown Columbia. I took a class called "Confident City Cycling," where I learned what to do in sticky situations, practiced signaling and checking behind my shoulder, learned how to change a flat, and learned my rights and responsibilities as a cyclist. Since then, riding on the roads has been relaxing and fun (as opposed to stressful or scary!). I got rid of my parking pass at work (saving my company money) and I've saved a ton of money on gas. Plus, I'm burning calories while getting where I need to go."

Please describe a typical day in your cycling life?

"My commute is only about 5 minutes, and it's mostly trail -- the MKT Trail ends a block away from my downtown office. It's a beautiful ride that goes right along a creek. I love it."

What kind of bike(s) are you currently riding?

"A Kona mountain bike that I bought from a friend. I'd love a nice road bike, but I can't justify buying a second bike since this one does the trick just fine."

In your opinion, what’s the best part about cycling for transportation?

"Definitely the exercise and saving money. It keeps me active every day. I save money on gas, parking and car maintenance, and I'm doing something good for the environment."

What’s the worst?

"Riding in the rain or when it's below 20-25 degrees. I hate it! I walk to work in those cases. I also dislike cleaning/maintaining my bike or greasing the chain. I kind of abuse it by only getting it tuned-up once a year. (Shame on me!)"

Do you have a favorite carfree/carlite story?

"The first time I rode to the grocery store by bike was a huge accomplishment for me. I didn't buy unnecessary things because I could only carry what would fit in my backpack and bike basket, and I got a good work out too! I was so proud of myself because normally I'd have just hopped in the car."

What are three pieces of advice you would give to someone starting/ considering commuting by bike?

"(1) Women, get a nice "split-top" seat. Trust me. (2) Spend the extra 10-20 bucks on the "cute" helmet. You should feel good about your helmet or you won't want to wear it. (2.5) A heavy or poorly-made bike is no fun to ride. Make sure your bike isn't working against you. Get it from a bike shop. (3) Take a League of American Bicyclists bike safety class if they're offered in your area. You'll be so glad you did! A bad interaction with a motorist can be really discouraging. Knowing the rules of the road and being prepared for wacky traffic situations will make commuting by bike so much more enjoyable for you (and for

What changes regarding transportation would you like to see in the United States?

"Let's start with Portland as a model and go from there. Let's make sure all new roadway construction factors in bicycle and pedestrian traffic."

Do you recommend cycling to friends/family members/youth or others? Have any taken you up on it?

"Yes and hopefully! I'm SO close to getting my brother-in-law-- a former bicyclist-hater --to try biking to work.'

Anything else you would like to add?

"Start small. Replacing driving with a bike commute just once a week is awesome! Give it a try."

                                                 "Part of my commute along the MKT."

Future of BMW cars concept and models

future BMW cars modelfuture BMW cars model

future BMW cars conceptfuture BMW cars concept

future of BMW gina cars future of BMW gina cars

future of BMw cars kitfuture of BMw cars kit

used future BMW cars modelused future BMW cars model

BMW new cars models and pictures

cool BMW new carscool BMW new cars

BMW new cars conceptBMW new cars concept

BMW new cars modelsBMW new cars models

BMW new cars kitBMW new cars kit

BMW new cars X5BMW new cars X5

Pizza and Beer

Tonight for dinner, I got tired of the same ole Korean and decided to order a pizza.  Like everything seems to be in Korea, it was cutely wrapped in a package:
The pizza was actually really good, an looked completely normal - unlike many pizzas I've seen here in Korea.
Even had whole wheat crust.  For Korea, a solid 9 out of 10!

And you can't have pizza without beer, so I strolled over to Family Mart - think 7-11 - and picked out some beers.  I picked some of the more interesting ones.
As you can see here, we have "Stylish Beer" - Premium Beer with Fiber - the tag line is "Smooth & light premium beer exclusively designed for well-being of young generation".  Not quite sure why the young generation needs fiber - but watch out US, I'm sure your beer will have fiber in it too soon - everything else seems to.

And then of course, I got a Cass - Korean beer affectionately know as 'ass' to most people.  So if I'm going to be drinking ass, may as well have lemony fresh ass - I suppose.

And to prevent dehydration after my pizza and beer, I got this lovely beverage - kinda tastes like what it's called.

Hope everyone back home is well!

Mercedes-Benz AMG Wallpapers

Mercedes AMG Car
Mercedes-Benz AMG Picture
Mercedes AMG
Mercedes-Benz AMG Photo
Mercedes AMG
Mercedes-Benz AMG Test Drive

Nissan Skyline Wallpapers

Nissan Skyline Wallpaper
Nissan Skyline Picture
Nissan Skyline
Nissan Skyline Photo
Nissan Skyline
Nissan Skyline Test Drive

Monday, June 28, 2010

2010 Audi A3 TDI Pictures

2010 Audi A3 TDI
2010 Audi A3 TDI
2010 Audi A3 TDI
2010 Audi A3 TDI
2010 Audi A3 TDI Interior
2010 Audi A3 TDI Interior

2010 Audi RS6 Avant Pictures

2010 Audi RS6 Avant Pictures
2010 Audi RS6 Avant Pictures
2010 Audi RS6 Avant
2010 Audi RS6 Avant
2010 Audi RS6 Avant Interior

2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line Pictures

2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line
2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line
2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line
2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line
2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line Interior
2010 Audi A4 2.0T Avant S-line Interior

2010 Audi A5 2.0T Quattro Cabriolet

2010 Audi A5 2.0T Quattro
2010 Audi A5 2.0T Quattro Cabriolet
2010 Audi A5 2.0T Quattro
2010 Audi A5 2.0T Quattro
2010 Audi A5 2.0T Quattro Cabriolet Pictures

Sunday, June 27, 2010

2011 Audi TTS Pictures

2011 Audi TTS
2011 Audi TTS
2011 Audi TTS
2011 Audi TTS Interior
2011 Audi TTS
2011 Audi TTS Pictures

2011 Audi A8 Pictures

2011 Audi A8
2011 Audi A8
2011 Audi A8
2011 Audi A8
2011 Audi A8
2011 Audi A8 Pictures