Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Top 10 Worst Motor Accidents, in their auto accident facts, stated that an average of 115 persons die each day in car accidents in the United States (one every 13 minutes). In 2005, an estimated 6, 420, 000 cars were involved in accidents in the US alone.  And, according to the World Health Organization, about 3000 people die in crashes each day worldwide.

There's nothing more horrific than dying in a fatal car accidents.  Worst is, if you will be left alive to reminisce that nightmarish moment along with ugly and scary scars.  But let's face it.  Accidents are part of our lives and we should face its harsh consequences.

So, let's bring it on.  Here's my list of the worst motor accidents that would surely scare the sh*t out of you.

1.Monster Train Crushed Car

 Photo Credit:
Honestly, I'm wondering how the bloody car got there in front of the monster train. What happened to the driver or passengers inside that vehicle? I'll just leave that to your imagination. The location of this accident is not determined by its source.

2.Head-on Collision

  Photo Credit:
No one would survive in a fatal crash like that.  The whole front body of that VW CrossFox was brutally eaten by that enormous white truck.  This accident happened somewhere in Brasil.

3.Fatal Van Accident

           Photo Credit:

The first thing that I noticed when I saw this photo, is the sturdiness of that tree trunk in the center.  This accident actually happened in Oswego Town, New York.  Four people died and 14 were injured.

4.Drunk, Drive, and Die

 Photo Credit:
This Dodge Neon met her fatal end when her owner hit the pedal while he's drunk.  This one happened in Florida.  Pretty bad ending for a car like that.

5.Voracious Truck Swallowed a Toyota

 Photo Credit:

This accident happened early in the morning in Estonia.  That voracious DAF truck loaded with sea containers (about 25 tons) swallowed that Toyota Camry, killing all five people inside it.  According to the source, the rescue team had a hard time getting the bodies out of the car.  It took them 2 hours to finish the job.  On the other hand, the driver of the truck walked off without any scratch on him. Need I explain why?

6.Fatal Bus Accident

 Photo Credit:

This Opel Calibra met its fatal end in Belgrade, Serbia around seven in the morning.  The two passengers inside the car, died.  According to the source, Opel's speed was around 150km/h.  The source added that most cars in Serbia are old ones, but most people died not because of it. It's because most drivers don't really know how to drive. Or they just don’t care at all to know better.

7.Audi Meets the Tractor Man

 Photo Credit:

From the photo above, you can tell that the old man who is driving the tractor is unaware of the accident caused by that piece of heavy equipment attached to his vehicle.  Good thing the Audi's driver managed to pull herself out of the car.  This accident happened in Sunne, Sweden on June 2007.

8.Another Fatal Bus Accident

 Photo Credit:

This is a head-on collision accident between a Renault Espace and a Farnham Stagecoach bus.  According to the source, the former was travelling towards the latter at 50mph (speed limit  is only at around 30mph).  The bus, on the other hand, was only travelling at 20mph.  Surprisingly, the driver of the Renault Espace suffered only a broken leg and some bruises.

9.Racing a Flying Camaro

Photo Credit:

How would you race a Camaro that would fly?  Well, I’d sure love to hear this car’s story. This accident happened in Dallas, Texas when a couple of young boys tried to play a racing game.    According to the source, the two guys inside the car survived with just basic bruising.  A witness recounted that she will forever live with the sight of seeing the Camaro hit the pole.  She added that the accident serves as a lesson that racing, even at very low speeds, is quite dangerous.

10.Truck Crushed  645 BMW

 Photo Credit:

Do you know that the driver of that 645 BMW is a 24 year old star for the Kaiserslautern Germany professional Soccer Team?  He was going about 125mph when he hit the rear end of a Bob-tailed Tractor trailer.  It's a miracle that he survived with only a bump on his right arm.  Lucky guy!

Whew!  How was that?  I hope you enjoyed reading this list.  Always remember to drive safely.  Have a happy trip!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HOt News today on the car

Volkswagen AG will acquire a 90 percent stake in hot news today Italdesign Giugiaro S.p.A., VW said Tuesday.The Giugiaro family will retain 10 percent in the 42-year-old automotive styling company that is famous for designing cars such as the first-generation Volkswagen Golf.VW CEO Martin Winterkorn said Italdesign will make an important contribution to the automaker's 2018 global growth strategy.“The Volkswagen Group will be continuing its model initiative over the coming years and will benefit from the capacity and competence of Italdesign," Winterkorn said in a statement.VW did not give any details
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Why am I carfree?

Funny, seems like the reasons change.

One day I am carfree;
 for the environment,
another to save money,
better health,
to be cool,
be closer to my community,
to spite the auto industry and oil companies,
to save the world,
I love to bike and walk,
 and I am sure more reasons.

There is no one reason.

Over the years the reasons seem to blend. Changing day by day. That is OK, because they all make sense.
At least they make sense to me.

The first time I considered life without a car was when I met Helen. She worked in a bookstore in Prairie Village. She lived a mile from the store. She did not own a car. She would walk or bike everyday to her job. She was not particularly fit looking. A middle age woman, average body type, and she wore jeans and a t-shirt. She did not ride for any reason. "Not owning a car," she said, "just makes sense for me."

Sometimes we do things for reasons.

Sometimes the reason is; it just makes sense.

More wallpapers again, again!

Here are yet even more nice wallpapers, brought to you by the VW magazine

More wallpapers again, again!

Here are yet even more nice wallpapers, brought to you by the VW magazine

Monday, May 24, 2010

some thoughts regarding National Bike Month.

I saw; a teenage girl whiz by on a road bike, elderly man ride to the store on a city bike, and another elderly man on a road bike. But that is it this morning!

I hope the people who rode their bikes for transportation during bike month- and bike week- keep riding.

It is one thing to ride for Bike Month, it is another thing to ride because you make a conscious decision to change . Whether you are seeking; better health, saving money, cleaner environment, or just plain fun, I would like to encourage you to ride your bike for transportation, or walk.

Do not take the mass transit unless you need to.

You are important to the world. We need your help to make it a better place. Ride your bike, walk, enjoy life. If we want to see change, from all people, we must be the change we want to see.

As I write this, I saw two more cyclists riding by,  both for transportation a woman going to the store, and a man in street clothes. Oh, and there is another, coming to the store on his road bike.
So come on people. Today we ride, tomorrow...we ride, we ride.

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

10,000 visitors!!!

Thanks to everyone that visited this blog! We have now officially had over 10,000 visitors and we've only been up and running since April 2009, that's only 1 year and 1 month!

10,000 visitors!!!

Thanks to everyone that visited this blog! We have now officially had over 10,000 visitors and we've only been up and running since April 2009, that's only 1 year and 1 month!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mini Cooper 2011 Hot News Today

breaking news <> What is it?The Countryman is Mini's
new and much-anticipated fourth model, the first Mini to boast a
four-door layout--something officials are banking on to appeal to a
wider buyer audience. It is also the first Mini to offer four-wheel
drive as an option. But while the Countryman is billed a crossover, the
emphasis is clearly skewed more toward on-road than off-road driving.The
Countryman will be sold in two versions, the 2011 mini Cooper
and the Cooper S. A higher-performance Cooper S Works version is in the
final development stages at BMW but isn't expected to reach North
American showrooms until a y hot news today <>

world news today <>

Why are you carlite or carfree?


I think it is an important question to ask.

Health, environment, community, or selfish enjoyment?

Let me know!

Peace, Bill

world from carfree eyes

Through carfree eyes
the bike mechanic

the out of towner


funeral in the rain

peace, Bill

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bike Week tip- find a mentor when you first start cycling

Most mentors are older, two of mine are younger. Bill Marshall and Shadd Smith. Both are good friends and are racers. 

In the picture Shadd is in the middle and Bill on on the right, this is a trip to Moab they were on.

When I met them back in 2001, it was at the Star Bucks in Prairie Village. I was just starting to commute full time and at that time was carfree too.

Even though Bill and Shadd were elite cyclists, they would always take the time to chat with me. If I had questions about cycling they would answer them. And they would always encourage me.                 

At that time I was about 50lbs heavier than I am now, and I remember thinking how cool it was that these too guys, younger than I, would mentor me.

The advice I received was great-tips on equipment, pedals, types of bikes, bit fit, how to ride in traffic, places to ride and stories of their rides. All helped formed me into the cyclist I am now.

So, find a mentor, someone with alot of experience. Cycling, although very simple in many ways, has alot of complexity to it, especially if you are commuting by bike. Knowing someone who is willing to share their experience can make you a safer cyclist and make your riding more enjoyable, especially as your confidence grows.

Thanks Bill and Shadd!

Peace, Bill P

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Revolve Inc fundraiser tonight!

Revolve is a non profit that is focuses on safety programs and bike education for children and adults. This is a great cause, I will be there at 6pm and hope you will too!!!!

FaceBook link:!/event.php?eid=114156665286198&index=1

Kansas City's cycling nonprofit Cranks it Up a notch in a Bike Week fundraiser to celebrate cycling.

Here is what your $10 donation to the Cause gets you:

Up Close & Personal with women's pro racer and former Kansas City resident, Kelly Fisher-Benjamin. Kelly will be signing posters and bringing signed Colavita/Baci jerseys for the auction.

A chance to bid on these fabulously framed items:
Paris-Roubaix posters signed by Eddy Merckx (3)
Jelly Belly team poster signed by MO native Brad Huff
Signed photo of Brooke Miller: 2008 Road & Crit National Champion
Signed photo of Alison Starnes: Team Tibco
Tour of MO jersey signed by George Hincapie

Pizza provided by Spin Pizza

6:30PM to 8:30PM

Family Bicycles

7140 Wornall Rd, KCMO 64114

RSVP please!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bike week interview

Fox 4 Interview with Bill Poindexter

KANSAS CITY, MO - The Kansas City metro area is so spread out, and have so few bike lanes, it's not exactly the most bike-friendly place to live. But as Bike Week kicks off in Kansas City, one metro man says that he didn't just give up his car for a week, he's been car-free for a whole year.

Bill Poindexter says that he's living proof that not only is it possible to get around the city on bike, it's actually pretty fun.

"Last year I rode around 9,000 miles," said Poindexter. "I just said to myself 'Why do you need this car? You're not using it, it's a waste of money'."

Poindexter says that Kansas City are usually friendly, but he'd like area to have more bike lanes.

"If we had a city where more bike lanes were available, I think more people we would be comfortable using bike lanes," said Poindexter.

Metro bicycle advocacy groups say that they are pushing for changes to make the area more bike-friendly, but until then cyclists should focus on safety.

"It's very important for people to take bike safety in their own hands, like wearing a helmet and riding in a predictable manner," said Sarah Shipley of the Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation. "Those things are important to bike safety."

The average commute in Kansas City is around 20 miles, so bicycle advocates don't expect everyone to switch to cycling full-time. But advocates say that there are ways for people to change their daily habits.

"If you can carpool, ride share, walk, take the bus, we just want you out of your car and moving," said Shipley.

Poindexter says that in the 10 years he's been cycling, he's lost 130 pounds. He also says that he loves doing his part to help the environment. But the real reason that he says he does it?

"The main reason I do it is fun," said Poindexter. "It's like being a kid again."

Carfree tip- straight lines

For all cyclists-ride your bike in a straight line please.

Riding in a straight line allows the you to be predictable to motorists.

Always ride with traffic, dont veer off into turning lanes unless you are going to turn.

Think of yourself as a driver of the bike.

Cycling is all about being safe and having fun!!!

Peace, Bill

see Bill on Fox 4 News tonight at 6pm.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hot News today and Car News

Mystery ... The Tardis. Photograph: Colin Bell/BBCStop the bleeding presses. Apparently there's a conspiracy afoot - and stone the crows, it's got something to do with Doctor Who. Again. It's been revealed that Kylie Minogue news name in the Christmas special will be Astrid and this, it has been noticed by the more rabid of fans, is an anagram of Tardis. Also, her surname in the episode means "a little bit of", or something, in Welsh. So either: A) Kylie's character is actually a little bit of the Tardis, which as we all know is an organic being as well as a telephone box; or B) Kylie is a little bit We hot news today

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All the latest car news and reviews along with the best road tests, products and used car buying advice. Watch the latest video road tests and check out the ...

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Find the latest automotive news on Car and Driver. Our team of editors and car buying experts uncover automotive news as it happens.

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What Car? is the UK's biggest and best car buyer's guide with new and used car reviews, advice, news and videos. watch movie online


This is a chance for you to try alternate transportation-walk, bike, bus, even car-share or car pooling.

Please forward this to all your friends-Try the CAR-FREE life for one week. Sign up for the Car-Free challenge!

How many car trips can you replace with bicycling, walking, or riding the bus?

The Car-Free Challenge is a friendly competition that encourages Kansas Citians to reduce the number of trips that we take by ourselves in our automobiles. Great prizes are available for the folks that log the most miles and/or the most trips. If this is your first time we even have a special category just for you.

Come back here every day to log your trips and how many miles you went car-free. We'll show you how much gas money you are saving and how much pollution you are keeping out of the air.

Wanna carpool? While it's not really car-free, we'll still let you count any trip where you aren't in the car all by yourself.

Form a team with your friends or co-workers. Or go solo.

Just go car free


Bill (aka Carfree American)

Carfree American will be available for anyone who needs advice or who wants someone to ride with them. I will teach adults and children. If you want advice or guidance feel free to call or txt me- 913 220 1213 or email me at

Carfree is FUN! Just ask a kid!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Claiming Your Blog in Technorati

I bet a lot of people are pissed off of Technorati's newest way of blog verification, but let's have to face it, we have to undergo the hassle for the love of our blogs and websites.  I got this step by step procedure from Internet Geek guys on how to claim your blog.

  • You need to register with them. Click on the Join link available on the top right side of the website. Provide the necessary data to them and get register.
  • Go to your account.
  • Look at the end of your account page, find start a blog claim. Enter your blog url there and click on search.
  • Enter your blog details and submit your blog.
  • You will get a mail about your blog submission.
  • Now go back to your account again and look at the bottom of the page. Your blog screen shot and url will be there. Click on Check Claim.
  • In next page you will get something like this:“Technorati will need to verify that you are an author of the blog by looking for a unique code. Please put the following short code MDU2BRZ42MDA within a new blog post and publish it. Once it is published, use the “Verify Claim Token” button to tell Technorati your blog is ready for verification.”
    Check  Step by Step Tutorial to Get Your Blog Listed at Technorati Directory to read the rest of the procedures.