Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hot News Today and Trends
Today hot trend The best scene in Tom Stoppard's new play is the quietest. The elderly poet AE Housman sits on a park bench in Oxford alongside his 22-year-old undergraduate self. The two men talk about textual editing and the suppression of uncomfortable data. They discuss classical portrayals of male friendship and Sophocles's definition of love: 'A piece of ice held tight in the fist.' They consider the idea that knowledge and taste are incompatible pursuits. The 77-year-old says to his companion: 'I'm not as young as I was. Whereas you, of course, are.' hot news today
Today Hot News Today Hot News · Uncategorized. Main image .... Today Hot News is proudly powered by WordPress · Web design by BrightCherry. - 16 minutes ago MalaysiaToday | The People's Portal | Malaysian Breaking News & Blogs Malaysia Today News Online Malaysian daily news | Hot Topics | Breaking News | Happenings | Lifestyle Advertiser Links(Contact us to advertise your link ... - 34 minutes ago - Cached - Similar - From what's hot in the news, to who's in the ... Sign up for breaking news alerts; Sports ... Today's hot celebrity shots. Best bets ... Gov. Charlie Crist expected to announce independent run today ... - Cached - Similar Hot Dogs Should Carry Cancer Warning Labels Says US Non Profit Group 23 Jul 2009 ... A US non-profit organization filed a lawsuit on Wednesday asking a New Jersey county court to force food companies to put labels warning of ... car news - Cached - Similar Who owns the facts? The AP and the "hot news" controversy 6 May 2009 ... Unlike some of the other "hot news" cases that helped to establish the doctrine, today's vibrant, chaotic media landscape means that no one ...- virginia lottery
Today Hot News Today Hot News · Uncategorized. Main image .... Today Hot News is proudly powered by WordPress · Web design by BrightCherry. - 16 minutes ago MalaysiaToday | The People's Portal | Malaysian Breaking News & Blogs Malaysia Today News Online Malaysian daily news | Hot Topics | Breaking News | Happenings | Lifestyle Advertiser Links(Contact us to advertise your link ... - 34 minutes ago - Cached - Similar - From what's hot in the news, to who's in the ... Sign up for breaking news alerts; Sports ... Today's hot celebrity shots. Best bets ... Gov. Charlie Crist expected to announce independent run today ... - Cached - Similar Hot Dogs Should Carry Cancer Warning Labels Says US Non Profit Group 23 Jul 2009 ... A US non-profit organization filed a lawsuit on Wednesday asking a New Jersey county court to force food companies to put labels warning of ... car news - Cached - Similar Who owns the facts? The AP and the "hot news" controversy 6 May 2009 ... Unlike some of the other "hot news" cases that helped to establish the doctrine, today's vibrant, chaotic media landscape means that no one ...- virginia lottery
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The reviews of Carfree American are pouring in!
I have asked people to review the blog-I need feedback.
This is from a local artist William Rose.
"Hey Bill! Yes I did look at this awhile back and have jumped on a few times since. I thought I sent you a note about it but I must have been dreaming. You've done a terrific job with this - VERY professional. I really like the profiles - they're interesting even to a non-biker like myself :) And lots of great photos! Are you getting significant hits on it? See you around sb's soon I hope.
happy trails - Bill"
If you would like to share your thoughts about the blog I would love to hear from you-good or bad reviews, suggestions, I need your feedback. This is my first blog so I am still finding my way! All advice is appreciated!
This is from a local artist William Rose.
"Hey Bill! Yes I did look at this awhile back and have jumped on a few times since. I thought I sent you a note about it but I must have been dreaming. You've done a terrific job with this - VERY professional. I really like the profiles - they're interesting even to a non-biker like myself :) And lots of great photos! Are you getting significant hits on it? See you around sb's soon I hope.
happy trails - Bill"
If you would like to share your thoughts about the blog I would love to hear from you-good or bad reviews, suggestions, I need your feedback. This is my first blog so I am still finding my way! All advice is appreciated!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
VIDEO: crazy rotary turbo powered Beetle doing doughnuts...
Here is an old favourite video of mine. It's of a 1303 Beetle fitted with a Mazda rotary turbo engine, doing a very nice burnout!
VIDEO: crazy rotary turbo powered Beetle doing doughnuts...
Here is an old favourite video of mine. It's of a 1303 Beetle fitted with a Mazda rotary turbo engine, doing a very nice burnout!
Monday, April 26, 2010
carfree stories from the road
Mike, is the butcher at a local grocery store. He is a little "tilted," but a great guy. He commutes by bike all year round. No helmet, headphones, rides in weather I would not ride in-wearing clothes I would not wear for their lack of protection. His commute is only about three miles each way. Mike only rides bikes he finds when people are throwing them away; the brakes rarley work, tires are mostly flat, the chain is rusty, and there are only a couple of gears that work. Sound dangerous? Not really, he is careful, and they sound like the bikes I had as a kid. Mike rides everyday, and I mean, EVERYDAY, in all weather. He only rides for transportation, he does not own or drive a car. He always is smiling, and always waves hello.
I was on the Tomahawk Greenway Trail on a few days ago when I took the next pic. It was dusk and I came upon a young deer grazing along the side of the trail. I stopped a few feet away, We stared at each other for a few minutes and I marveled at its friendliness. As I started to go past it, it ran across the trail and I took this pic with my phone. I love how the picture turned out, very Monet like, impressionistic.
Peace on the road! Bill
A word to describe
The word what most of the people and critics are using, when they were talking about my act is:
About the blog
I choose the name, because I was trying to be a bit sarcastic.
I don't think my life is so fabulous, or super specail and different, than other people's life.
I know it is special in certain ways, but on daily bases it is pretty much the same, no matter where are you or what are you doing for living.
I also have to admit that there are also some days, when I really feel lucky or I really think that my life is fantastic.
Why do I write in English?
Because more people can read it and because im the last 5 years I mostly worked and lived outside of Hungray, and most of the people (who wathced the show and interested in my life) speak English.
I know that sometimes I do make mistakes, but I am trying ...
I don't think my life is so fabulous, or super specail and different, than other people's life.
I know it is special in certain ways, but on daily bases it is pretty much the same, no matter where are you or what are you doing for living.
I also have to admit that there are also some days, when I really feel lucky or I really think that my life is fantastic.
Why do I write in English?
Because more people can read it and because im the last 5 years I mostly worked and lived outside of Hungray, and most of the people (who wathced the show and interested in my life) speak English.
I know that sometimes I do make mistakes, but I am trying ...
Make Up
My make up takes about 45 minutes.
It is quite simple, but I have to admit that I am not super good when it comes to make up, so I really have to focus to do a nice job.
While I was in Montreal during my specific formation, I had 4 sessions with the Cirque make up artist, who showed me how to do it.
First she did it, and took pictures step-by-step, so next time she could explain it and i could understand the whole process.
Third time she did half of it, and I did the other half.
Last time I had to do it by myself, but of course she had to correct me several times.
When I got to the show the lovely wardrobe girls helped me the first few days, to be able to create a nice make up.
Every make up should look always the same.
The way how the make up designer Nathalie Gagné designed it.
My make up went trough only one mayor change in 2009., while we were in Sevilla.
She add more colours and completly changed the shape and the colour of my eyebrows for a more mature and masculine look.
It is quite simple, but I have to admit that I am not super good when it comes to make up, so I really have to focus to do a nice job.
While I was in Montreal during my specific formation, I had 4 sessions with the Cirque make up artist, who showed me how to do it.
First she did it, and took pictures step-by-step, so next time she could explain it and i could understand the whole process.
Third time she did half of it, and I did the other half.
Last time I had to do it by myself, but of course she had to correct me several times.
When I got to the show the lovely wardrobe girls helped me the first few days, to be able to create a nice make up.
Every make up should look always the same.
The way how the make up designer Nathalie Gagné designed it.
My make up went trough only one mayor change in 2009., while we were in Sevilla.
She add more colours and completly changed the shape and the colour of my eyebrows for a more mature and masculine look.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Some great wallpapers...
Here are some nice wallpapers, courtesy of Simply click on each photo for the larger version.
Some great wallpapers...
Here are some nice wallpapers, courtesy of Simply click on each photo for the larger version.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Darren Alff- carfree American profile
Tell me a little bit about you (name, age, occupation, carfree or carlite, where you live).
"Hello. My name is Darren Alff. I'm 26-years-old. I run a website called where I teach and inspire people to travel the world by bike and I also own a small marketing company called Silver Mountain Marketing that helps small/medium sized businesses make money on the Internet. Owning my own company allows me to work from home (or just about anywhere in the world), so I don't have a traditional commute from my home to the office, but I do live without a car and every errand I run is either on my bike, on foot, or occasionally I will take the bus. I live in Park City, Utah, USA - an incredible ski resort town located just 30 minutes east of Salt Lake City, Utah."
When did you start using a bicycle for commuting?
"I've been traveling the world with my bicycle ever since I was 17. I had just graduated from high school at the time and I spent the summer before going off to college riding my bicycle with three of my best friends down the coast of California. Since that time, I've spent several months per year traveling with my bike. In late 2008, however, I made the decision to rent out my home, sell my car, and travel to Europe for about 9 months. I could have kept me car at the time, but the car (a 1992 Ford Explorer) was on it's last leg and I didn't want to pay the money required to put the car in storage for such a long amount of time. I figured I would just buy a new car once returning from my European adventures. Anyway, I got to Europe and spent 9 months without a car there, and upon returning home I found that I did not really need a car. I live in a city where everything I need is within biking distance and because I plan to do more International traveling in the future, I decided to continue my life without a vehicle of any kind. I haven't missed the car one bit... and I've saved a lot of money!"
What inspired you to start?
"Again, the reason I started my car-free existence is because I was traveling to Europe and did not want to have to pay to put my car in storage for the entire time that I was away."
What is a day in your bicycling life like?
"It's really difficult to describe what my typical day is like because each and every day is so incredibly different. Most days however include me waking up, checking my email and attending to any important work that needs to be done. Then I head outside and go on a bike ride, go skiing, hiking or something of that sort. I'll usually come back about 4 hours later, take a shower and then get right to work. This is the time of day when most people are finishing their work, but I am just getting started. I'll work for a couple hours and then, if there are any errands that need to be run or I just simply need to get away from the computer, I'll go outside and go on yet another (shorter) bike ride. It's about 1.25 miles from my house to the nearest grocery store, bank and post office, so it's a short, quick ride to just about anything that I need. After the bike ride/errands run, I'll come back home, work until about one in the morning and then try to go to sleep. When I'm traveling my schedule is a little different, but not much. It's pretty remarkable how similar much my life at home and my life while traveling actually are. "
Do you recommend cycling to friends/family members/others? Have any taken you up on it?
"I have never really tried to push cycling on my friends or family. I know for a fact that no one in my family would ever do it, so it's not worth the effort. I don't push cycling on my friends either, but many of my friends have seen what I have done and then gone out on their own and purchased bicycles and started riding. I led by example and they started to follow. But I've never pushed anyone to ride a bike."
"Actually, now that I think about it, it was my second college roommate that gave me the idea of starting my website at in the first place. He had seen me going on these bike trips all through college and a couple years after we graduated he called me up and said that he had bought a touring bike and that he wanted to make a trip. So, while I never really forced the idea of riding a bike on him while we were in college, he picked up on what I was doing and later decided that it was something he would like to try as well."
What kind of bike are you currently riding?
"I have three main bicycles at the moment. My commuter bike is a black, super old, beat up Sierra Schwinn mountain bike. This is the bike I used on my first two long distance bicycle tours. It's been run over by a van and hammered back into place. It consists of bike parts from about a dozen different bikes. I call this bike the "Resurrection 9000" because that's how many times I've brought the bike back to life. It really is a junker! But I love it."
"My other main bike is a Fuji Touring bike. I bought this bike in 2003 for a long-distance bike ride up the East Coast of the United States... and I've since used the bike on four additional long-distance tours. It's a great bike for touring, but it's a great commuter bike as well. With the racks on the front and the back, it's a great way to carry my groceries and other items from around town back to my house or wherever they need to go."
"I also have a Bike Friday New World Tourist (a folding bicycle), which I use on shorter trips that require me to take a plane, train or bus. This is the bike I rode last year while cycling through Europe for 9 months. I took this bike with me to Europe, instead of my full-sized Fuji Touring Bike, because I knew I was planning to take the train a lot. During my 9 months in Europe I took 35 different trains with the bike, 5 buses, 2 boats, 1 car and 2 trips by plane."
In your opinion, what’s the best part about cycling?
"My favorite part about cycling is that it is a great way to meet people. When you are just walking around on foot or driving around in your car, it is too easy to just keep to yourself. You don't really have a reason to talk to people. But when you ride a bike you are much more approachable... and it is a whole lot easier to approach people as well. As a naturally shy and reserved individual, this is the part of cycling that has benefited me the most."
What’s the worst?
"I think the worst part about cycling would have to be... um... other cyclists. Over the years I've just encountered so many people riding bikes who think they are better than I am because they are riding a more expensive bicycle or because they have the high-tech racing jersey's or whatever else. Not all cyclists are like this of course, but many of them are. I call these people "bicycle bullies" and I avoid them like the plague. I don't race bikes (although I used to - in college) and I rarely ever go over 20 miles per hour. I don't see cycling as a sport... and therefore I don't feel the need to dress up in fancy clothes or tweak my bike in order to make it more aerodynamic. More than anything though, I don't go out of my way to put people down because they are wearing clothes or using gear that is in-superior to my own. In much the same way that I don't try to coerce my friends or family into riding a bike, I don't go out of my way to put other cyclists down. Some people like to do this, however, and it really ticks me off. "
What are three pieces of advice you would give to someone starting/ considering commuting by bike?
"I don't have three pieces of advice. I have one. "
"My piece of advice is this: If you still have your car and you want to start commuting by bike, your car is going to constantly be calling to you each and every time you leave your house. You'll think to yourself, "I need to go to the store. I should take the bike, but I think I'll take the car, because it will only take a minute." But if you get rid of the car, you'll force yourself to ride your bike instead. So that's my advice! Just get rid of the car, or at the very least, make it extremely difficult to drive the car instead of take your bike. Maybe you could have a family member hide your car keys? Or maybe you could store your car at a friend's house on the other ride of town. That way, you pretty much have to take the bike. "
Anything else you would like to add?
"I think a lot of people have this misconception that you have to be a cycling nut in order to ride your bike or commute to work or anything like that. The truth is, you don't have to be a cycling nut. You don't have to wear special cycling clothes. And you don't have to have a thousand+ dollar bicycle. You just have to know how to ride... and you have to want to be out there."
"Get in the habit of riding your bike; do it for a month or two; and before you know it, you'll be addicted!"
Darren Alff
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
is it just me-or does this stuff bother you too?
I think the two most important things are the health of the planet and the awareness of humans asking themselves a question-do I need it or do I want it?
The Planet is a given, but yet most of us choose to ignore the crisis because we may not be feeling the effects of global warming-we may see it, but do not FEEL it. Feel -not just physically, but mentally. Or maybe you do, but are ingoring it??? Do you know someone whose kids have asthma? Have you noticed changes in the weather? Do you or friends have to be on medications-say for anxiety or depression? These symptoms are typical of polluted environments.
If you start up your car in your garage, door closed, and have limited ventilation, after a while you will die. The planet is finite, it can only handle so much. But yet we continue to pollute it? Crazy.
So you auto makers have had the technolgy for years to put us in zero emission cars, and we, they and govt has know the negavite effects of CO2. But yet we still let them build cars that ultimately poision us, our children, and our planet. We have cures to this cancer, but yet it is suppressed so people can line their pockets with money that will not help them when they are dying.
I think of it this way: If someone found a cure for cancer, but then hid it from the world so the current supply of cancer meds could be used up so the drug companies and associates would make money and not lose money, but millions of people die, even though there was a cure, would that not be criminal???
The same thing is happening today. The cancer(pollution, global warming, CO2). We have the technolgies to stop the majority of the poisions from going into the air, specically automobiles who use fossil fuels. If a car company or govt has the technology to stop the cancer, but does not and keeps making and selling things that are posioning us and the planet-like the above scenario-millions of people are dying because of the CO2 pollution and worse the planet it dying. We dont need CO2 polluting cars-now the cure-electric, hydrogen, natural gas is available.
Hey, this is my planet too! I do not want to be posioned anymore. Nor, I assume, do you.
I asked a quesiton on Facebook the other day but go not response: When your kids come home form school, and they just learned they Autos are the #2 polluter/ and major cause of global pollution and they ask you: Why do we have so many cars, or a big suv, or why do we have something that hurts the planet, or do we really NEED our car?
What do you say?
Someday they, or you will ask.
I did not edit any of this post or any others, I want to give to you what is on my mind. As most of you know I bike and walk for transportation. I see the pollution out there everday. I know no one can be totally Green unless you get naked and move to the woods. ;)
But I feel the need to share my thoughts and I hope you will share your thoughts with me-you dont have to agree, I welcome your opinion.
Tell me your thoughts?
Monday, April 19, 2010
9000 visitors!!!
Thanks to everyone that visited this blog! We have now officially had over 9000 visitors and we've only been up and running since April 2009, that's only 1 year! Oh and on that note, happy 1 year birthday to this blog!!!
9000 visitors!!!
Thanks to everyone that visited this blog! We have now officially had over 9000 visitors and we've only been up and running since April 2009, that's only 1 year! Oh and on that note, happy 1 year birthday to this blog!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Why I became carfree...

I went to vacations to places where people biked or walked for transportation and I would ask myself, "why can't I live this lifestyle at home?"
I came up with all the normal hooey excuses like: no time, to busy, it will limit where i can go, what if there is an emergency, it is not practical in the suburbs, I would be too sweating when I arrived some place, I need special clothes-shoes-gear, I am lazy, etc, etc, etc.
I don't have kids, but I am sure I would have used that one if I could have.
After coming up with all the excuses I could. I saw and talked to people who live life being carfree and carlite(owning one car but primarily using other forms of transportation).
At the time I owned two cars and drove them like I owned a oil company.
I would drive to the gym(to ride the stationary bike), and I would see a little old lady, small, hunched over, walking or riding a bike to the same gym. She had to be in her 70s. I was in awe, she was in great shape, she had the legs of someone 30 years younger. I started to notice more people using the feet or bicycles for there transportation and it was inspiring.
If one person can do it, so can I. So can I. So can I.
I bought a bicycle in 2000. I had not ridden for ten years and I had become very heavy and out of shape. At the time I started losing weight and had been walking and going to a gym. I remember I kept thinking how cool it would be if I could bicycle everywhere. I was insecure in the fact I was heavy, I came up with more excuses not to ride, the bike sat in my garage, but I started to ride it in the neighborhood, then, over time to the gym.
The feeling of relying on my own body for transportation was amazing. It was different than going on a ride for exercise (although that was a great benefit). I felt like I was doing something something special.
Overtime, I decided to get rid of the cars and ride the bike and walk for all my trasportation needs. I lost weight, felt happier, became more tune with my community. The initial bike rides in the neighborhoods became 20-30 mile rides. My self esteem grew. All the excuses and reasons I thought up not to do it had become ridiculous.
My awareness of the world became acute as I had no more walls separating me when from it when I went somewhere. I realized how important our environment is and how I had a responsibility, as we all do, to protect it or ourselves, our children. Health became the most important subject to me. Not just my own personal health, but the health of the planet. I realized without good health we have nothing.
Good health in mind and the fact that other people could live carfree, made me carfree.
Peace :)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
-Is it like one big loving family (being in the "VAREKAI" cast?
Defenetly not!
Just like any other workplace, the "VAREKAI" cast and crew also has it's own clicks, little friend groups.
You can find very nice people, friends, who are super close to you.
You can share a lot, almost your "whole life" with them.
there are also people who you have to work with, but you don't really get on well.
I was surprised that how some people get jealous of other ones, even if we specially selected for our jobs, and there is not much chance to swap jobs around 8especially, when it comes to the on-stage jobs!).
But I think I am quite lucky, because I get on well most of the people, and I have quite a few very good, close friends on tour from different countries, different departments, with different age and gender.
That's one of the reasons why I like my job, because I get to meet people who I would probably never ever be able to meet, if I wouldn't work here.
Defenetly not!
Just like any other workplace, the "VAREKAI" cast and crew also has it's own clicks, little friend groups.
You can find very nice people, friends, who are super close to you.
You can share a lot, almost your "whole life" with them.
there are also people who you have to work with, but you don't really get on well.
I was surprised that how some people get jealous of other ones, even if we specially selected for our jobs, and there is not much chance to swap jobs around 8especially, when it comes to the on-stage jobs!).
But I think I am quite lucky, because I get on well most of the people, and I have quite a few very good, close friends on tour from different countries, different departments, with different age and gender.
That's one of the reasons why I like my job, because I get to meet people who I would probably never ever be able to meet, if I wouldn't work here.
Friday, April 16, 2010
A flying Beetle...
Did you know Beetles can fly even if they don't have wings? Well this one can!

A flying Beetle...
Did you know Beetles can fly even if they don't have wings? Well this one can!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
News Today and Trends
brooke white, justin gaston, brandon knight,cinematic titanic, peter steele, mitch connor,muhammad, brooke white american idol,angelina tracy, lebron flocka james 2, shawn southwick, campus gossip, kush and orange juice download, droid incredible, ray mccallum, michael gilchrist, royce gracie,larry king, tarrant county college, tinley park home invasion
Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment news, Sports ... Learn how to enable javascript. Explore. Pinned. More news; My news; Just in. Other top stories ..... New hope for fighting hair loss · TODAY Moms ... - Cached - Similar Top News In India, Top Stories Today, Top News Stories And ... 14 Apr 2010 ... Find Top Stories Today, Top News In India, Top News Stories and Today's news Headlines In India and across world online on Reuters News. › Home › News - 11 hours ago - garbage new orleans tlc Cached - Similar Google News 14 Apr 2010 ... USA Today - Todd Halvorson - ?1 hour ago? .... all 80 news articles ». Email this story. TopNews United States ... hot news today - Cached - Similar BusinessWeek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice Read the latest international business news & stock market news. Get updated company profiles, financial advice, global economy and ... Wal-Mart Reclaims Top Spo. ..... Free Forex Trading Software when you Open a Free Account Today! ... - 1 minute ago - Cached - Similar | News from Australia and around the world online ... 15 Apr 2010 ... News from Australia and the world, featuring the latest national, world, ..who won the masters 2010. Aussie companies nominated to receive internet's top prize .... and 1.5kg of amphetamines worth more than peter dabish in a marble house riddle $1 million dollars in raids today. ... - 37 seconds ago - Similar
Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment news, Sports ... Learn how to enable javascript. Explore. Pinned. More news; My news; Just in. Other top stories ..... New hope for fighting hair loss · TODAY Moms ... - Cached - Similar Top News In India, Top Stories Today, Top News Stories And ... 14 Apr 2010 ... Find Top Stories Today, Top News In India, Top News Stories and Today's news Headlines In India and across world online on Reuters News. › Home › News - 11 hours ago - garbage new orleans tlc Cached - Similar Google News 14 Apr 2010 ... USA Today - Todd Halvorson - ?1 hour ago? .... all 80 news articles ». Email this story. TopNews United States ... hot news today - Cached - Similar BusinessWeek - Business News, Stock Market & Financial Advice Read the latest international business news & stock market news. Get updated company profiles, financial advice, global economy and ... Wal-Mart Reclaims Top Spo. ..... Free Forex Trading Software when you Open a Free Account Today! ... - 1 minute ago - Cached - Similar | News from Australia and around the world online ... 15 Apr 2010 ... News from Australia and the world, featuring the latest national, world, ..who won the masters 2010. Aussie companies nominated to receive internet's top prize .... and 1.5kg of amphetamines worth more than peter dabish in a marble house riddle $1 million dollars in raids today. ... - 37 seconds ago - Similar
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Try Exploring on Your Holiday – Boating Adventure Bonanza the Easy Way
Photo Credit:
If you feel like channeling the pirate within you, boating is one of the most pleasurable leisure activities – just minus the treasure hunting (or looting) or walking the plank thing. IF you like water sports, you’ll appreciate boating and having a boat even more. But without cold hard cash or a bank loan to boast, renting a boat is your next best bet.
It’s not as easy as getting a movie ticket – there are some things you have to know so you can enjoy your boating vacation to the fullest.
The Good
Chances are if the banker thinks you won’t be able to pay off a huge loan, you can still rent a boat whenever you want. It’s not as cheap as getting a cab to drive you around, but still, without that bank-approved letter, you can ride the boat of your dream by renting it out. Share the expense with your other friends who will be staying in the boat and it will be like traveling in your very own hotel – all the luxuries and facilities, and still being mobile.
You can also choose the type of motorboat – the size, the amenities, all these you can check if they are exactly what you need (apart form your budget of course).
Maintenance will be taken cared of as well by the rental company. All the other technical maintenance and even insurance will be handled by their team, not you nor would you need a whole staff to maintain the boat for you if you have your own boat.
With a boat, you can travel anywhere you fancy (legally of course), and the rental company can also take care of the other requirements for you. If you want to travel to a more international level, well that’s a different story sailor.
The Bad
Well, renting a boat may not exactly be ‘whenever you want’ deal because of some reservation procedures. You’re in luck if the perfect boat you’ve found is available on that very same day or on the date of your planned trip, however, if it isn’t, then you’d either have to change your boat preference or the date of your trip.
When you get into the boat, it would take some days for you to familiarize with its own operation. While all boats have basically similar configuration and boating instructions, there are still some things specific to this particular boat that you have to know before you can smoothly sail.
While there are a number of considerations, boating, whether rented or not, will remain essential to water sports lovers and enthusiasts. You may also want to consider snorkeling or diving – they are cheaper though. Anyway, if its really boating you’re after, then save up for the next holiday then head off to a rental company months or weeks before your holiday so you can reserve a boat, and be ready to pack up as boating is an adventure like nothing else!
carfree meditation
a meditation:
every day the same thing, do I ride my bicycle or walk for transportation?
i love doing both, it is a tough choice.
i find walking allowed more reflection and I am able to see the things up close that on my bike go by too fast.
but bicycling, the senses our extreme, the body fully alive, and I am aware of everything around me-the weather, time of day, season, gravity, terrain, my body, the world around me
seriously it is a spiritual Zen like experience where you are one with the universe....give it a try.
every day the same thing, do I ride my bicycle or walk for transportation?
i love doing both, it is a tough choice.
i find walking allowed more reflection and I am able to see the things up close that on my bike go by too fast.
but bicycling, the senses our extreme, the body fully alive, and I am aware of everything around me-the weather, time of day, season, gravity, terrain, my body, the world around me
seriously it is a spiritual Zen like experience where you are one with the universe....give it a try.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Recently asked
Szonja just asked recently:
-How many shows did you miss, and have you ever seen the show.
-So I only seen the show once!
Yes, only once, in Berlin, while my understudy was doing my role.
I only missed the show 6 times, and all of them happened in 2008.
What means, that in 2006., 2007., 2009. and so far 2010. I performed all the shows!!!
First time the took me out of the show while we were in Berlin, because they (artistic director) wanted to see my understuday doing my role (one of the Russian flyers), because he also needs to practice in front of the public!
That time I had to stay backstage, to make sure that if he have some questions he can ask them, and also I made sure that he goes on stage on time.
Second time I was able to watch the show.
It was nice, but weird to see your friends doing somethings, what you are usually the part of.
2 other times I missed the shows, because we had a little accident with Irina during the show (during the part called "Lovers Flight") in Oberhausen.
I don't want to go into deatils.
I injured my shoulder, so that's why I missed 2 shows.
The last 2 times that makes it 6 missed shows) I did not perform, because I got really-really sick in Madrid.Fever, flue, and I also lost my voice.
So that's it so far, and I hope it stops there!
Just to tell you something interesting...
If I am not performing my understudy does my role, but nobody does the net act.
So instead of my act the aerial hopp girl performs her act, and the "Icarus' character watches her act, then the show goes on, the story goes on, the "Bethroted" character comes, the lovers first meet, etc.
But if it's an emergency situation, and it happens last minute (like I would pass out or something, just before the show), they would just skip the net or the hoop act, because there is no time for warm up or technical preparation and they would just simply do the show with my understudy.
-How many shows did you miss, and have you ever seen the show.
-So I only seen the show once!
Yes, only once, in Berlin, while my understudy was doing my role.
I only missed the show 6 times, and all of them happened in 2008.
What means, that in 2006., 2007., 2009. and so far 2010. I performed all the shows!!!
First time the took me out of the show while we were in Berlin, because they (artistic director) wanted to see my understuday doing my role (one of the Russian flyers), because he also needs to practice in front of the public!
That time I had to stay backstage, to make sure that if he have some questions he can ask them, and also I made sure that he goes on stage on time.
Second time I was able to watch the show.
It was nice, but weird to see your friends doing somethings, what you are usually the part of.
2 other times I missed the shows, because we had a little accident with Irina during the show (during the part called "Lovers Flight") in Oberhausen.
I don't want to go into deatils.
I injured my shoulder, so that's why I missed 2 shows.
The last 2 times that makes it 6 missed shows) I did not perform, because I got really-really sick in Madrid.Fever, flue, and I also lost my voice.
So that's it so far, and I hope it stops there!
Just to tell you something interesting...
If I am not performing my understudy does my role, but nobody does the net act.
So instead of my act the aerial hopp girl performs her act, and the "Icarus' character watches her act, then the show goes on, the story goes on, the "Bethroted" character comes, the lovers first meet, etc.
But if it's an emergency situation, and it happens last minute (like I would pass out or something, just before the show), they would just skip the net or the hoop act, because there is no time for warm up or technical preparation and they would just simply do the show with my understudy.
carfreedom and the love of cycling
People ask me all the time, "how much do you ride?"
"Alot," I reply.
I start in the morning, a short 10-20 mile ride for errand, fun, work, just to get the blood pumping.
At noon, a trip to a park for lunch.
Once the President of a local cycling club asked me, "what do have you done to promote cycling in this area?"
I am not skinny, young, fast, I dress in regular clothes alot, my bike is heavy.
My hope is people see me and they say, "there is bicycle Bill, if he can do it, I can too!"
I like to think I am the change I would like to see in the world. I would like you to be the change you would like to see.
Peace, Bill
"Alot," I reply.
I start in the morning, a short 10-20 mile ride for errand, fun, work, just to get the blood pumping.
At noon, a trip to a park for lunch.
In the evening, a group ride with friends, or a solo ride to reflect on the world of nature- usally 20-40 miles
Two wheels, I am the engine, I am a lover of cycling.
My answer was, " I ride my bike, I inspire others to ride."
I am not skinny, young, fast, I dress in regular clothes alot, my bike is heavy.
My hope is people see me and they say, "there is bicycle Bill, if he can do it, I can too!"
I like to think I am the change I would like to see in the world. I would like you to be the change you would like to see.
Peace, Bill
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
life journal
I got in 40 miles on monday, and 51 yesterday on the bike, but those are totals, ie, on monday I rode 6 miles in the morning runing errands,and then 34 in the afternoon for a long ride and going to the store.
Yesterday morning I rode 17 in the morning for errand, client meeting etc, then 34 in the afternoon on a long rid...e.(oh and closed a business deal while on the afternoon ride.)
This is my llife, I like it. I walked to the office this morning, will ride later today, hopefully in a nice storm ;)M
Yesterday morning I rode 17 in the morning for errand, client meeting etc, then 34 in the afternoon on a long rid...e.(oh and closed a business deal while on the afternoon ride.)
This is my llife, I like it. I walked to the office this morning, will ride later today, hopefully in a nice storm ;)M
Getting a Nice Bargain for a Car
Just for options, I’m finding out how I can buy a good car that’s cheap. I still love my car, but hey, if I see a great buy, then why not? Maybe it’ll even be cheaper to get a new one than maintain my current car. With these tough times, people are holding on to their dear cash and are really just opting for good buys – luxury, well, is really living up to its name now and everyone just wants to be practical. Getting a great deal in cars is not as easy as getting detergent in Target or Wal-Mart. There are strategies and techniques that you have to do in buying a car.
• Local dealers – Local dealers do have great deals up their sleeves and if you smooth talk your way, you can make them give it to you. Usually just right up in that corner or somewhere in that row of cars is a good deal waiting to be closed. Check the year, mileage, and previous owner and you may find the car of your dreams without the nightmarish price tag.
• Online dealers – Dealers now have found a way to connect with potential buyers in the online world. Photos, detailed description and contact details are available if you are interested in one of the cars being sold.
• Personal online sellers – Owners are most likely to use online classifieds to post ads about the car they’re selling. Without the additional cost and interest from a middleman, you may get a better chance dealing with the car owner directly instead of through an agent.
Sales agents talk savvy to lure you into getting them good commission. But how do you talk savvy too so both you and him would be happy in the end, and not just him?
• Choose the make and model of car that you like. A wandering eye and undecided mind would be of no help in bargaining a good deal into a great deal. Remember that the key here is to stay focused.
• Ask quotes from different sources. Ask local dealers, online dealers and personal online sellers for their selling price. While almost immediately you may see the different prices, check the condition of the car (be specific about your inquiries if you are just communicating initially online), and go for a test drive before leaning towards a certain dealer.
• Paying in cash is best but if you will offer terms, offer one that will make him happy enough to say yes to your price.
So I know it’s still going to be red, I’m just still not sure of the make (Toyota is out of the question now). I’ll get one probably in the next few months, giving me enough time to make up my mind on the car make and enough time to save up.
So for now, if you’re thinking of getting a good car that’s cheap, look them up and maybe you can snag a great buy. And maybe if you’re undecided yet, in a few months maybe you can give me that lead – thanks!
By the way, keep visiting this blog-site for more helpful motor guide and car tips.
By the way, keep visiting this blog-site for more helpful motor guide and car tips.
Monday, April 5, 2010
More questions, more answers
Some new frequently asked questions:
-Do you still get nervous before the shows?
-No.The only thing what can make me nervous, is if I have somebody important watching the show.
Family members, friends or somebody from the circus world.
-How much do you get paid?
-I would never tell you this.
This is one of the rudest questions ever!
You should never ever ask such thing like this !!!!
-Do you miss the "tradicional" circus sometimes?
-Not anymore.I use to in the first few years, but not anymore!
I remember I missed the differen costumes, or to be able to change my routine or choreoraphy, but now I am used to what I am doing and I don't miss it.Especially the lifesytle!
-What is your favourite city, what you visited with "VAREKAI"?
-Wow! Super hard question.
I don't know.I've seen so many nice places, and I have so many nice meories, that it is really hard to choose.
But if I have to force myself ... I think I would pick big cities, because I am more like a "big city boy".
I really liked Melbourne (Australia), because of it's cute little neigbourhoods, and the city was really European-like.
I liked Vancouver and Sydney, too ...they were my first two cities, so they are always stay special for me.
In Europe I would pick London.Such a great city.Very historical, and there is always something to see or to do.
Hamburg and Sevilla were both pretty and really German and Spanish for me.Great cities to walk.
And the biggest positive surprise was Lisbon.Very interesting layout,friendly people,cheap prices,great nightlife,safe and pretty buildings!
Outside of work I would pick Paris.All time favourite.New York City, my latest love! ... and my hometown: Budapest !
It is seriously very-very pretty.Lot of nice, historical buildings, good shopping, good food and easy to walk around !!!
-Do you still get nervous before the shows?
-No.The only thing what can make me nervous, is if I have somebody important watching the show.
Family members, friends or somebody from the circus world.
-How much do you get paid?
-I would never tell you this.
This is one of the rudest questions ever!
You should never ever ask such thing like this !!!!
-Do you miss the "tradicional" circus sometimes?
-Not anymore.I use to in the first few years, but not anymore!
I remember I missed the differen costumes, or to be able to change my routine or choreoraphy, but now I am used to what I am doing and I don't miss it.Especially the lifesytle!
-What is your favourite city, what you visited with "VAREKAI"?
-Wow! Super hard question.
I don't know.I've seen so many nice places, and I have so many nice meories, that it is really hard to choose.
But if I have to force myself ... I think I would pick big cities, because I am more like a "big city boy".
I really liked Melbourne (Australia), because of it's cute little neigbourhoods, and the city was really European-like.
I liked Vancouver and Sydney, too ...they were my first two cities, so they are always stay special for me.
In Europe I would pick London.Such a great city.Very historical, and there is always something to see or to do.
Hamburg and Sevilla were both pretty and really German and Spanish for me.Great cities to walk.
And the biggest positive surprise was Lisbon.Very interesting layout,friendly people,cheap prices,great nightlife,safe and pretty buildings!
Outside of work I would pick Paris.All time favourite.New York City, my latest love! ... and my hometown: Budapest !
It is seriously very-very pretty.Lot of nice, historical buildings, good shopping, good food and easy to walk around !!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Clarence Eckerson Jr. - carfree American profile
Tell me a little bit about you (name, age, occupation, carfree or carlite, where you live).
"My name is Clarence Eckerson Jr, I'm 43 years old. I am the Director of Video Production for Streetfilms, a NYC-based vlog that produces films about transportation in cities. I currently live in Brooklyn, New York's Red Hook neighborhood."
When did you start commuting by bicycle?
"Strangely, I didn't learn to ride until I was in the 5th grade; not soon after that I became a paper boy in my town and used my bike to deliver the news. So since age 13, I have had some sort of element of bike commuting in my life, though some places/times I have been more of a bike commuter than others. "
What other transportation avenues do you take advantage of?
"I equally divide my commuting and transportation by walking, biking, and taking various forms of mass transit. It is a balance I cherish, as each mode has its attractions and conveniences. Plus, in the scope of my job, it keeps me in touch with the major methods car-free people take."
What is the best part of about cycling for transportation for you?
"The best part of cycling is the freedom it brings. The ability to use one's own body to get around and be in touch with the rhythm of the city. Yes, sometimes cycling can be rough and weather can be a deterrent, but in the same amount of time the average American is stuck in traffic every day - you can get a workout, save money, put less of burden on our ecosystem, and arrive home less stressed."
What is it like bicycling for transportation in NYC?
"Sometimes my family and friends cannot believe - still - that I ride a bike in New York City. But to me, riding in NYC is so much less dangerous then being regulated to the shoulder of a country road where cars are blazing past at 50-60 mph or more. In the city, you can take a whole lane, the road's chaos becomes a predictable symphony, and cars rarely drive faster than 25 mph. Besides, NYC is increasingly adding phenomenal bike infrastructure which in turn churns out more riders which makes the roads even safer."
What bikes do you currently ride?
"Right now I have three bikes: a purple Bike Friday folder which I use to commute and shoot video from, an orange Dutch Batavis cruiser which I enjoy running errands on (and increasingly commute more on), and a Trek 7.7 FX which I ride about a dozen times a year for long weekend excursions."
What three pieces of advice would you like to share with folks considering the carfree lifestyle?
"Three pieces of advice: Don't be meek: assert your right to the road, but ride conservatively. Get a solid lock. Get some bike maps."
Other thoughts?
"If you are looking at ways to invigorate and enlighten your community, visit and watch some of the over 300 films we have done on bicycling, walking, mass transit and livable streets. It's addictive. Binge watch."
"My name is Clarence Eckerson Jr, I'm 43 years old. I am the Director of Video Production for Streetfilms, a NYC-based vlog that produces films about transportation in cities. I currently live in Brooklyn, New York's Red Hook neighborhood."
When did you start commuting by bicycle?
"Strangely, I didn't learn to ride until I was in the 5th grade; not soon after that I became a paper boy in my town and used my bike to deliver the news. So since age 13, I have had some sort of element of bike commuting in my life, though some places/times I have been more of a bike commuter than others. "
What other transportation avenues do you take advantage of?
"I equally divide my commuting and transportation by walking, biking, and taking various forms of mass transit. It is a balance I cherish, as each mode has its attractions and conveniences. Plus, in the scope of my job, it keeps me in touch with the major methods car-free people take."
What is the best part of about cycling for transportation for you?
"The best part of cycling is the freedom it brings. The ability to use one's own body to get around and be in touch with the rhythm of the city. Yes, sometimes cycling can be rough and weather can be a deterrent, but in the same amount of time the average American is stuck in traffic every day - you can get a workout, save money, put less of burden on our ecosystem, and arrive home less stressed."
What is it like bicycling for transportation in NYC?
"Sometimes my family and friends cannot believe - still - that I ride a bike in New York City. But to me, riding in NYC is so much less dangerous then being regulated to the shoulder of a country road where cars are blazing past at 50-60 mph or more. In the city, you can take a whole lane, the road's chaos becomes a predictable symphony, and cars rarely drive faster than 25 mph. Besides, NYC is increasingly adding phenomenal bike infrastructure which in turn churns out more riders which makes the roads even safer."
What bikes do you currently ride?
"Right now I have three bikes: a purple Bike Friday folder which I use to commute and shoot video from, an orange Dutch Batavis cruiser which I enjoy running errands on (and increasingly commute more on), and a Trek 7.7 FX which I ride about a dozen times a year for long weekend excursions."
What three pieces of advice would you like to share with folks considering the carfree lifestyle?
"Three pieces of advice: Don't be meek: assert your right to the road, but ride conservatively. Get a solid lock. Get some bike maps."
Other thoughts?
"If you are looking at ways to invigorate and enlighten your community, visit and watch some of the over 300 films we have done on bicycling, walking, mass transit and livable streets. It's addictive. Binge watch."
Note from carfree American: Clarence and Street Films have and are doing a tremendous amount for the world of cycling advocacy and complete streets I would like to encourage you to go to their site and marvel at their work! Thank you.
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