Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Time for some homegrown automotive parts?

I was browsing through my copy of Hypertune today when it struck me that Malaysia really boleh; well at least when it comes to their car industry. Not only have they got their own national car makers, they have got a vibrant aftermarket scene with a fledgling local aftermarket parts manufacturing industry. And that got me thinking, while having our own national car marque might not be that feasible, perhaps it is now timely for our local authorities and motoring entrepreneurs to explore the idea of setting up our own homegrown automotive manufacturing brands?

For one, it is not like we lack the expertise to do so. We always boast of the top notch brains that our multiple universities churn out. I am sure the engineering behind making car parts is not something we lack. And what better time to explore this than with the new Singapore University of Technology and Design up and running?

And let's not forget that the market conditions are ripening. We have got high COE levels which, in all likelihood, will remain unabated for an extended period. This means that more drivers will keep their cars longer; ergo, more demand for car parts. With the eventual completion of the track at Changi, there should be even more interest in the aftermarket and car parts scene. LTA can help keep the party going by loosening its restrictions (especially for local aftermarket parts) while providing its own inputs to the manufacturers to develop parts truly suitable for Singapore's unique conditions.

It seems like the stars are slowly aligning, so here's hoping that some local motoring entrepreneurs will heed my call and get this industry going! And if it really does happen; remember, you read it here first!

What do you think? Jot down your opinions at the comment box below!

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