Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Anniverary is Feb. 8th for carfree American

In celebration, Carfree American is asking all people of the world to come together for one day of carfree awareness.

We are calling Feb 8th

Carfree American Day
Walk, bicycle, or use mass trasit for transportation on Feb 8th!

The benefits of a carfree/ carlite lifestyle are: good health, cleaner environment, and better sense of community. And save some money.

If you live carfree for 21 days (if you do anything for 21 days it becomes a habit), and find out what thousands of people are so excited about.

More posts up to and on the 9th are coming!


Here is the facebook event page post:

The carfree American blog is having its first anniversary on Feb 8th. In celebration we are asking followers, friends, and fellow carfree/carlite folk to share in, share, and promote this event.

Winter is usually not associated with carfree, but thousands of us still live the lifestyle even in frigid temps. With all the unrest in the world, maybe a little exercise is what people need to settle their differences peacefully.

So on the 8th-please walk, bike, ski, snow shoe, sled, ice skate, surf, crawl, take mass transit, or whatever is your favorite way to travel in winter when you are going to work, or the store, or roaming around your community.

Carfree American is about promoting: better health, cleaner environment, and community well-being.

We are committed to pormote this lifestyle 365 days a year.

Thanks and Peace!


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