Good things happen to those who live the car-free or car-lite life. Here are some of my experiences this week. Enjoy.

This is my friend Art. I bumped into him early in the week. He is car-lite, uses his bike for transportation most of the year. He told me I inspired him, to ride a bike for transportation, in 2003. He has been riding ever since. His first bike was a Trek 800 he bought at a Church Bazaar for $25. He still rides it.
I was riding on Tomahawk Creek
Greenway Trail yesterday and came upon an 86 year old man who passed out on the trail. Myself and a small group of other cyclists assisted him, but quickly realized we needed to call 911. The
Leawood Fire Dept was there in a matter of minutes. They brought an ATV-
as you can see it is very cool.
The elderly man, Woody, ended up being fine. He just had heat exhaustion.
After the incident, the Leawood Police asked myself and two other cyclists to lead them off the trail so as not to alarm other cyclists or pedestrians.

One must stay hydrated, don't ya know.
This is my neighbors bike, Hal. He and his wife Vickie are retired and avid cyclists They love riding these old Sears Free Spirit bikes. They go down to Galveston, TX every winter and ride these.
They bought them at a garage sale for $5.00

I love the name of the bike: Free Spirit

This little girl is in in her new home as a result of me being car-free. She was abandoned last fall and had been living with a family in Prairie Village, but they would not let her in their home, so she had to live in a garage during the winter.

I passed the house everyday while walking or biking. She would come to me and say hi. I would feed and play with her. I am still working on a name for her.

Here is a father and son on a Sunday tradition. They bike every Sunday to the grocery store. I think that is so cool!

Thanks for reading my blog and looking at the pictures!
Peace, Bill
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