Great rides today. Got up and rode (25f degrees and I wore shorts) to Sharps Rest. in Brookside for some fine Johnny Cakes and philosophizing with my friend Bob. Bob and I came up with a creative design for a garden/ planter for the front of a bicycle so people can have flowers growing on their bike and enjoy nature even more upclose! No kidding. :)
known Bob for a about 12 years, he is a very talented artist. Three years ago his car gave out and he started to ride a bike(Huffy peice of crud) for transportation. He asked my advice about the carfree lifestyle and wanted my input on what type of bike he should have. I know things were a bit tight for him at the time and offered to by a bike for him in exchange for one of his paintings. I got him a rig and I got a fabulous painting! Everyone was happy. Bob was carfree for a couple of years and now is carlite.)

Then rode to Star Bux in PV, worked out in front for a couple of hours, but alot of folks stopped by and wanted to chat, so I finished up the day by riding home and working out of the house. Then, went for a 25 mile ride out south on the greenway trail, it was great riding in the wooded areas again. Stopped off at Bike America on the way home and got some more flyers to hand out for the Tweed Ride on April 3rd. A real nice day.
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