Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's with red cars?

More often than not, you’d see that in movies or in TV shows, the ‘cool’ lead actor or lead actress drives a red car. Whether it’s a convertible or dad’s old truck, it has to be red – and whatever shade of red. Hollywood indeed knows its stuff. Red is attributed to so many things, and well, mostly good things at that.

For starters, the color red is used to symbolize power. When people wear red ties in business and when people walk on red carpets, it symbolizes that they are powerful and important (and fashionable too, to pull it out). Red drapes, red linens – all suggests that the event or the person holding the event is a powerful personality.

Famous cars are mostly known for its red color – the Maserati, Alfa Romeo, and the most well-known of them all, the red Ferrari car. When car racing began, countries were given the designated official color, and for Italy, the color red was assigned. Until now, Ferrari retained their famous red cars. And the black hue horse on the logo? That’s power and speed – the ultimate in cars.

To be more scientific about it, the color red is a stimulant color and studies indicate that the color can increase blood pressure. Thus, a person who is angry or is feeling intense emotions tend to turn ‘red’ – blood rises causing the cheeks to turn noticeable red in color.

If not cars, red is used in different cultures to denote goodness. In Chinese culture, the color symbolizes wealth, good luck, good health and prosperity. During Chinese New Year, no other prominent color can be seen apart from red. During Christmas, red is combined with other colors to signify a joyous occasion. Even in birthdays or in most celebrations, the color red is used to show energy and vibrancy.

If you see red on the road, you will stop. Literally. The color red is also used to denote emergency and warnings (one analogy is because fire is also red in color). It is a color that will really demand your attention that’s why stoplights use the color red to signal stops.

A specific color makes all the difference. While a black car is sometimes not chosen by some because it tends to be ‘unseen’ during evenings, or the color white as it is often associated to be ceremoniously used during weddings, the color red is chosen by some car owners to signify power.

But whether scientifically explained or a part of human culture, the color red is simply appealing and attractive. And in romance (and seduction for that matter), the color red is often used. Simply, the color red in almost anything is given a second look and is a color that is ‘taken seriously’ unlike, well, pink.

Some say that a red car doesn’t get pulled-over. Well, we’re not sure if all red cars don’t get pulled-over but a certain red and white car called Mach 5, well, that we believe.

Thinking of the car color of your next ride? Make it a red hot car.

I hope you have fun reading this another motor guide article of mine.  See you!

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