To be clear, it is not that I hate cars, it is just that I feel better when they are not around.
I will not own another car until they come out with one that does not use Gas and one we can afford. I was told today by an auto industry inside( a sister in law of a top exec of a major auto company) that they have a Water based fuel engine, but cannot figure out how to make money from it. Wankers.
I have been carfree since June. This is my second time carfree, first time was from 2001 to 2004. I then became carlite from 2004 until June of 2009.
I do believe the world would be a better place if everybody walked, rode bicycles, and used mass transit for transportation. I am not going to try to sell you that idea, even a hamster knows the benefits of wheels and walking.
I am going tell you what it is like to be and feel a carfree American.
Generally cars and Americans go together like baseball and hot dogs, but carfree and American
that is sort of a oxymoron.
I know, if I lived in a big city it would not be a big deal to be carfree, or maybe college, but I don't do those, I live in a suburb where carfree is a oddity. Prairie Village is car centric. Few bike lanes, crap sidewalks, no public transportation.
I am alone on the streets and sidewalks most of the time. Alone in my carfree lifestyle, alone in walking and cycling for transportation. I am to most people an oddity, but I feel strong. I am a carfree American.
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